fantasy magic system generator

Ways to obtain magic: Divine magic is often more powerful/useful, but isnt always reliable. Now, of course, this is magic and doesnt have to follow real life but by the same token, as in real physics, it doesnt necessarily have to seem sensible to humans (think of how weird quantum mechanics is). Thank you for commenting! Paint can be collected from the surrounding area into your body and be channelled through your bloodstream. The air swirled out into the hallway, successfully blowing out the lit torch but haphazardly knocking it off its supports. I know its been a whole since you made this post, so I was just curious to how things have developed since then? There are 2 other different types of magic to do with Time/Space & Meta Magic of youd like to hear more about the magic from the novel I wrote. If you're using this generator, you might also find the Magical Artifact Generator useful. Mana manipulation is a basic form of magic (though anyone can learn this ability through time and training without doing magic at all. And thanks to Oren for asking the obvious question and fueling my train of thought. My train of thought was a bit of a runaway train. Around this time Paint is able to be used freely until the children of White wage a war on the Blacks causing their power to be sealed away until further notice. Does the wielder have to be careful not to tip to one side to much? Without the explanation you added (glutton for punishment), that sounds more like someone who consumes a lot. In general, creating a system that is more limited in effect and creates more problems with casting makes for better stories. donjon; Fantasy Random Generator On the other hand, there could be a group of people allergic to the plant. Spells are also incredibly varied, which makes adding randomized details a . Its a generic job title for people whose main concern is to maintain relationships with local spirits and practice holy magic so they can pacify demons. They can only work through people that do their will voluntarily. Fantasy Random Generator. Moon magic: Moon magic draws power from the spirit and energy of the moon. So, for instance, lets say you decide water spirits are more powerful than plant spirits because their aspect is more basic and elemental, whereas plants are more complex organisms that feed off of water. To craft your framework, just answer these questions. Moreover, the party must complete the quest without killing anyone. (The amount of waste we produce is naturally less than the amount of food or liquid we consume, so again do they have a non-scientific explanation, or if they do have a scientific explanation, why do they not consider the same thing happening in plants? Ideas for Original & Unique Magic Systems : r/fantasywriters - reddit A basic form of mana manipulation is cloaking their bodies in mana to protect them from harm (sort of like Aura in RWBY). (I wont deal with it here and now, as this reply is getting too long already and you never mentioned it in your comment). Earth magic is strongest during Spring. Everything in Tolkiens world is carefully designed to avoid being preachy; but most of it also has a carefully thought out moral and spiritual basis, and certain elements (like whether orcs have free will, and are therefore capable of redemption, and the implications of what that means in terms of how the good characters treat them and the conflict with the literary need for a clearly identifiable group of bad guys) troubled him to the end of his life and which he was never able to resolve to his own satisfaction. But at extremely high levels (Demi god level) the breeze might be enough. Hope I did well! Hi there, I know this blog was posted a while ago but Ive only just found it and its exactly the kind of thing Ive been looking for, plus Ive seen more recent comments here so hopefully theyll be some people still interested. The lich controls the power and consumes it, the specre is consumed by it. Robert Asprins MYTH novels actually do a good job limiting magic in a similar way. Character Power Generator Perchance A rational magic system is supposed to be understandable. You can take the time to practice it yourself, but youre better off finding a teacher. Hope I dont sound like a rabid Potterhead but I dont think its irrational! Everything is what she deems fair. Limitations mean there will be tension in your story, without limitations anything and everything can happen, but generally not in a good way. Common People (Theyre so common that they dont really have a name.) Fortunately it's not that hard to create a magic system, so this guide will be relatively short, but the amount of work you'll have to put into the creation of your magic will depend entirely on how detailed you want to get. Of course, its possible. Untold masses dead, fear, uncertainty you get the idea. If only a portion of the population can wield magic it could also mean the magic wielders are either the elite or the lower class. I would say on a molecular level. Is magic (or the source that fuels it) a limited resource in your story world? If there are powerful gods, it might make more sense for magic to come from the divine power of the pantheon. If youre curious about the source There are multiple types of energies floating around everywhere in the world (some of those energies similar to Elements of nature Air, Water, Fire, Earth; plus Mana, Life, Mind and, probably, more) What about pine trees and the like, since they are always green what explanation could be given for why the mother does not retaliate against them? This is one of the most exciting things about writing fantasy: getting to design your own magic system. If you use magic (or psychic powers) like a Deus Ex Machina, enabling your magic users (or psychics) to do whatever the story needs, without any understandable reason why they can do all this, you have something else. Paint can hold curses that are also genetic (curses can make a person stronger but the price is extremely high) Like species in our world evolved so did the magic in their world, with their ancestors using a specific type of magic and pased it down it just became a part of them. Can they simply stretch their arm, make a gesture with their hands and shoot out a ball of fire or do they need a wand do direct the magic? It is the rarest of the Primals to be connected to. Stoking fires sounds like a natural fit. Reading this made me realize that while Ive got the source pretty nailed down, I dont actually have much else figured out yet! Emotion-based powers arent impossible, just easy to do in a way thats ultimately unsatisfying. But Chaos is discovered to still exist and actually controls the inner workings of our universe (similar to a pusdeo quantum physics where laws arent followed and anything can happen at anytime) This (called the Ether) rarely affects our natural world but when it does the laws of physics are broken in the form of magic. Writing is given magical properties in many books, movies, and shows but the paper itself is rarely imbued with power. I have recently, but have wrote before, in my world created a new magic systems. One final aspect to think about is whether or not those who cannot wield power can somehow gain the ability to do so and if those who can wield magic can lose the ability do so and if those changes can be reverted. Taking this further would logical lead to even more powerful techniques, using vacuums to burst eardrums, rupture lungs, and using air pressure to launch objects in ways similar to the people that build vacuum cannons that launch ping pong balls at supersonic speeds. What I really dont like about this article is the formula on how to create a magic system. They will be, Time and Space, Light and Darkness, and Mind and Body. Skill also plays a part, and is determined by both intelligence and creativity. Interferers can make things happen because when they add energy to the system, it is concentrated in one place. Using the Harry Potter example, the rules of what magic can and cannot do are defined throughout the books new things are added throughout the series, but there is some structure in the form of spells, potions, etc., and a few laws that are hard limits (such as the no true resurrection one), yet the author of this post states it is not rational (although hard). Ripple: The last step. Now that youve brainstormed the effects, sources, and causes of magic, you can put all three together! Are their any parts youre confused about? This is where your magic system will become unique, even if it shares elements with existing works of fiction. But, with the power of enough minds, things and beings could be transported to nearly any location instantly, as long as that location was also in the proximity of many minds (Minds were always at least somewhat tied to the physical world during life, so there would still be a range limit, but a vastly larger one for this teleportation, spanning many light-years). Even though there are no physical costs to using magic, being Grisha means losing their freedom to pursue the life they wanted. Hell make it rain if your rain dance impresses him, but he wont strike someone with lightning no matter how impressive your dance is. So then, my idea was that even though minds were separate from bodies, they were normally closely tied so they could interact, which was why telepathy and telekinesis had things such as limits based on physical distance. You can get away with a strange assortment if you have mechanics that explain it. Maybe there are a few things that the sorcerer cant do, but basically its just whatever they want to happen, happens. If you combine spells you'll get something similar to fighting together as one being, shield against shield to maximize the defense and striking with swords at the right time (like Roman armies did). donjon; Fantasy World Generator My main question is whether you think the weaving should be specialized; i. e., should I break it up into different types of thread/weaving style/knots? And if youre a goddamn god with a controller, it can pull a star destroyer into a planet while at the same time swatting aside oodles of TIE-Fighters (still the only sore point in The Force Unleashed 1 for me). Our bills are paid by our wonderful patrons. Gaining power Combining powers Limitations actuallydragon glass is NOT made from dragon fireits just some rock that forms naturally: obsidian. In general, hard magic should solve problems for your protagonists, while soft magic should cause problems for your protagonists. By adopting a specific mentality and pairing that with martial art forms, they can move and manipulate their element. And after all of this, there are still problems of how the signals dont get mixed up when a lot of beings are around and why organisms havent already evolved impenetrable defenses against mind-readers and how the information is processed and how the telepath knows what to find. Offensive like elemental magic and short time manipulation magic etc. They are responsible for all the phenomena that occurs in our world, from the spark of a fire to weather changes, to the Four fundemantal forces of the universe, atoms, and even concepts such as Time and Causality. In the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, wand magic is like language. Summon up a spirit to help you move a piano, and you can spend hours debating over price. Im going for rational semi-soft I hope I pull it off. To me, it seemed like I had everything figured out and I could write a story now. It could make for some interesting stories devout priests who get power from their deities versus irreligious wizards who use their own will as magic, bio-mages who draw upon the weak but flexible power of living organisms versus geo-mages who draw upon the mighty yet unsubtle power of the land itself, Incidentally, all examples you have given, Cay Reet, are about how (most) magic-users cannot use all types of magic; do you think that a system in which magic-users could learn all possible magic (at least theoretically) but what is possible for magic in total is strictly limited could work? That also means that magic is an entity of its own, hence experimenting with it can be highly dangerous. Learning about one doesnt give a better understanding of another. Water was taken and later give back. Varren slumped into his chair, a curse leaving his lips as he had forgotten to blow out the torch in the hallway. There are two types of magic systems: hard magic systems and soft magic systems. would be for instance the power to congure spectral weapons like a sword or bow and arrow, though they are powerful magic and would be taxing on ones body and life. However, you can also experiment with different techniques for accessing and directing the magic, each with upsides and downsides. The brain does use relatively weak energy for thinking, so that would not reach far. The audience must know the rules, because the heroes use magic during the story. They have averge control over their ability. Otherwise you have near-god mages with no limits, who will hurt your story more than they will serve it. She holds a BA from Yale University and lives in Colorado. In other words, readers need to understand how your magic system works to ensure its use feels natural and believable within the context of the story. As I said, I was also inspired by depictions of psychic powers in fiction, so I used this idea to explain telepathy (immaterial minds were the same substance, so they could have a way to directly communicate with each other) and telekinesis (if thoughts could generate energy, then maybe they could create enough energy to affect outside objects as well). 12 Prompts to Create a Magic System - Quixotic Quill Kristen now works as a creative wellness coach and offers new resources through her personal website at

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fantasy magic system generator