According to old post I cleaned grinder and out chamber - not helped. In most cases you will need to go deep into dismantling the machine to replace this microswitch. The motor is available on the ECS Coffee website for $90 CAD. How to solve it? If over time, you notice that the coffee is not as hot as it used to be or that the water does not heat up at all, we recommend that you check two things:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coffeemaker_top-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeemaker_top-large-leaderboard-2-0'); NOTE: if the machine is very old or cheap, it may be more cost-effective to buy a new machine than to replace the thermoblock of your coffee machine completely. Refer to the user manual on how to descale your espresso machine. It has a false grinder blocked error. I have a long list possible causes and cures for this error E05, Ill start with the Flowmeter. Disconnected from its resting spot. If you brew unit is damaged or worn you should consider replacing it. Repairing a Saeco coffee machine also involves the filter holder or filter holder. in (Picture E) and reinstall it on brew group as it was before.
2023 CoffeeMaker.Top - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WebHow to restore Saeco Royal coffee milling mechanism Part 1 - YouTube 0:00 / 19:13 How to restore Saeco Royal coffee milling mechanism Part 1 26,724 views Jun 7, I love coffee, and I service the equipment that grinds and brews it for you. If the machine makes the espresso this will be confirmation you need a new grinder motor, and there likely arent any other issues. beans that cannot be scooped out by hand. The housing is made of heavy sheet metal, and the attachments are made of plastic. Also note that if motor is still spinning, it doesn't necessarily mean it's OK. With the Saecos, the upper ball bearing under the grinder often gets dirty. But before continuing, we recommend you check your coffee machines user manual here. When the E04 code appears, the brew group is not in place or not placed correctly. If you use an oily bean, you can wear out your pump faster. This repair could exceed the value of the unit as you could need replacement boards if they are available. Other than that, there is no way the grinder should jamb up unless the motor is damaged and doesnt have full torque. Some of the reasons are: Brew group jammed or blocked Either one of the micro switches in the brew drive have gone bad. So I disassemble grinder to motor and cleaned once again - not helped. This error codes guide is made for the person who might want to try and fix their Saeco espresso machine on their own. Since you took it apart, you probably didnt get it back together right. I don't even know who I could call in this area. Brew drive motor Failure. There are several coffee machines in the Royal line, including espresso and cappuccino makers. Not a common issue to see, but it can happen. 1)The grinder is clearly not blocked but 9 times out of 10 it won't operate and we get the message "Grinder Blocked". I took the grinder on my incanto apart and discovered something interesting. But the gear itself with the knob removed turns as far as you want untill the grinder faces actually contact each other. Saeco Royal Professional. In this case, this machine starts up normally in ready mode and everything appears perfect but when you press for espresso the machine goes into E01 right away. 2) by placing index finger underneath the neck of thelever and gently lifting straight up. There have been many times I have seen an error present itself, but the cause of this error is not necessarily what it shows. Like in (Picture G)(This show the Magic and RoyalLine of machines). There can be three scenarios to this issue and here are some things to check. Exceeding the amount of coffee grounds can cause the brew group to be overfilled and coffee brewing to be aborted. The bottom burr is the one that turns and grinds against the top burr. Saeco Royal Professional. I get this error message. Once its clear, reassemble it back together and try making a product and see if the grinder runs and runs on (looking for beans), You will get the error to add beans. 1)The grinder is clearly not blocked but 9 times out of 10 it won't operate and we get the message "Grinder Blocked". This has multiple possibilities, but the cause will be in the electrical circuit. This occurs if the grinder has the mills (burs) blocked. There are some that have a blow-off hose in case the pressure goes beyond the manufactures specs. This error code means the brew unit is blocked or stuck in the working position in all cases, you cannot remove the brewer. There are several coffee machines in the Royal line, including espresso and cappuccino makers. Re: Saeco Royal Professional. Saeco Royal Professional. At this time the gears will begin movinguntil they return to the correct start position and then stop as is shown in (Picture H). And Saeco coffee machines are no exception. It rests inside the wall behind were the brewer sits in place. If none of this works, then the problem is even more serious: the boiler is most likely completely clogged (if there is not a single water leak), and it is, therefore, impossible to decalcify it. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If your grinder hums like it wants to grind but is not turning, then youll want to unjam the grinder. Saeco Royal Professional. Wow, Once more this repair could exceed the value of the unit as you will need replacement boards if they are available. Grinder motor is working, after 2-3 sec of working machine stops with this error. Step 1:
Twist the flow meter to open it up and clean it up. Thanks in Advance Royal Saeco Redesigned. remove and or force the brew group, as you will damage or break the brew group or the
These are some common tools used to work on this device. The brewer unit microswitch is faulty and will need to be replaced. If no coffee is dispensing, the dispensing spout could also be clogged. He built our YouTube channel The same will work for the Vienna lines too. WebThe Saeco brand tries to make each model of espresso machine and coffee maker as automatic as possible to create a modern, easy-to-use machine. Broken teeth on either of the brew drive gears. How often should I descale my coffee machine? Since I use oily dark beans, the grinder gets clogged often if its not cleaned regularly. for different reasons. Now the brew group is free to come out as shown in (Pictures C)
All machines have a dedicated descale indicator. Remove the bean hopper container from the machine. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. How to repair the portafilter of your Saeco coffee machine, How to clean the portafilter of your Saeco coffee machine, How to disassemble your Saeco coffee machine, click here if this is the problem with your Saeco. Milen Stoitsev. Not often but I had an issue that the pin that connects to the brewer is clogged. Note that the brew drive shaft
Brew group or gears not lubricated. Remove the 2 screws in the bean hopper *Check here the warranty conditions from Saeco. Broken teeth on either of the brew drive gears. A jammed or blocked brew group happens when the brew group starts the cycle but
Unplug it from the board and test at this end. 5 year old Saeco Incanto Sirius superautomatic espresso machine, and up to now, I have been able to sort out its various intermittent errors and quirks, but this time, the grinder is blocked, and I have cleaned and cleaned it, and it won't move at all. This occurs when one of the valves of the flute is short-circuited. The gears will have to be reset to the start position. It is possible this shaft that holds and turns the grinding mills has sheared off but without beans, it is tight enough to turn without the resistance of the beans. Keep in mind if you have a plug into any area of the water system the flow meter will read the error E05. This error causes a total shutdown of the machine to start up. Keep in mind the fault that is showing does not necessarily mean the error is stating. If the gears do not returnto the correct position after bypassing the switches, please contact SAECO USA to arrangeto have the machine brought in for repair. This mistake is more common, although it may seem obvious. 3). WebSaeco | Air is trapped and is blocking the water supply,The brew group is dirty,The coffee dispensing spout is clogged,Using the pre-ground coffee function,Your machine needs to be descaled,The pre-ground coffee compartment is clogged,Not enough coffee beans or Saeco Royal Professional. Marc is one of Whole Latte Love's resident experts on everything coffee. This way the grinder faces wont jamb together when you turn the knob to fine grind. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals, Login with username, password and session length. The adjustment knob has built in stops at smallest and largest grind. Again, this solution for Saeco coffee machines has some technical complexity, so we prefer to use a video to show it:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coffeemaker_top-leader-1','ezslot_17',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeemaker_top-leader-1-0'); When the fault in your Saeco coffee machine cannot be solved immediately, you will most likely have to open the machine and check the inside. Never worked on a coffee machine but here's the service manual that may help. To fix this, unblock the coffee funnel and perform extra cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. The Saeco brand tries to make each model of espresso machine and coffee maker as automatic as possible to create a modern, easy-to-use machine. All these durable and robust machines have a common main body, and many of the spare parts are identical. I decided to start this website to solve all the doubts that we have every day when brewing our favourite drink: coffee. I definitely cleaned the burrs on the grinder as much as I can without taking the whole thing apart. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Grinder motor is working, after 2-3 sec of working machine stops with this error. If it is, the sensor will need to be replaced. It appears to be seized up. Step 2:
I wanted to list the Saeco / Philips errors with some guidance on what the possible underlying issues could be to make these errors appear. To fix this, unblock the coffee funnel and perform extra cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. I use a small handful of beans at the coarse setting, grind away then adjust the grinder to my normal setting, let the first seconds of first coffee grind go the compost way with the ground cleaning beans. Follow the steps below to fix this: A dirty or clogged brew group can prevent coffee dispensing from your espresso machine. In this case, the machine stops the instant the user asks for the machine to dispense an espresso or coffee. At this point it should be clear what the grinder had jammed (keep in mind in this scenario your grinder hums before going into fault). In this case, the machine stops the instant the user asks for the machine to dispense an espresso or coffee. WebError Code 01: The coffee grinder cannot work properly When the E01 code appears, it indicates that the coffee grinder cannot work properly because of a coffee funnel blocked with ground coffee. You must log in or register to reply here. 5). Saeco recommends using a medium to dark colored bean that is not oily.After cleaning the grinder and then brewing a cup of coffee it may take 2-3 grinding cycles for the machine to dispense coffee. are there any other upstream switches beside the door and /onoff switch? So I disassemble grinder to motor and cleaned once again - not helped. If all checks out it can be the board and may need to be replaced. Error Code 01: The coffee grinder cannot work properly. Mocha Coffee: What it is and how it is prepared, How to descale a Dolce Gusto coffee machine. The Milk itself is the interesting thing here, as it can creep back and compromise the solenoid valve possibly causing it to fail. There is a pen mark on the grinder adjustment gear. The communication is interrupted for more than 2 seconds. Sometimes as small as a coffee grind can cause it not to turn. After doing soyou can then turn the machine ON. When the error code 14 appears, it indicates that your espresso machine is overheated. (Picture D) With the brew group out, remove the small coupling water inlet as it is shown
If you have full knowledge of what you are going to do and some experience handling small household appliances. To fix this, follow the steps below or the instruction videos: Open the lid of the pre-ground coffee compartment and insert the spoon handle into it, Move the handle up and down until the clogged ground coffee falls down. 1)The grinder is clearly not blocked but 9 times out of 10 it won't operate and we get the message "Grinder Blocked". henryksienkiewicz69 Jan 19, 2023 Search Forums New Posts Once the previous circumstance has been ruled out, and it has been checked that the coffee maker is structurally in perfect condition, the first thing to do is to descale it. There are several coffee machines in the Royal line, including espresso and cappuccino makers. Powered by SMFPacks Advanced Attachments Uploader Mod. 22,624 views. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Thanks in Advance Royal Saeco Redesigned. If your Saeco Espresso Machine runs into an error, a red display appears with an icon image, together with a code number, such as 01, 03, 04, 05, 11, 14 or 19. Any ideas? I replaced the microswitch and the machine tested back to normal. Please follow the instructions below to rinse the brew group and solve the issue. I have unjammed a lot of weird items from a grinder in the past some being a nail, stones, glass, plastics and even the porcelain burr that has broken and jammed the grinder. 4.63K subscribers. Place the inner burr ring back inside the outer ring, making sure that the red dot lines up with theblue dot or that the blue dot is 90 from the opening of the ground coffee chute (Fig. According to old post I cleaned grinder and out chamber - not helped. I called a couple of small appliance repair places but they couldn't help. There can be three scenarios to this issue and here are some things to check. Ok I was able to open it and clean the grinder area, but it still says it is blocked. My machine works good, so I must have gotten it close enough. If the gears have been stripped, they will need to be replaced. WebThe false grinder blocked error on the Saeco Royal Professional can be caused by several issues. The Saeco coffee maker turns on but then stops and does nothing, neither heats water nor serves coffee. Atthis point remove the bypasses done earlier. Coffee powder will be thrown away and no coffee will be dispensed. With all this data, we have created a guide to solving a dozen doubts and issues related to the Saeco coffee machines. dupczyciel maolat, The dosing magnet is an electro-magnet so either it is not getting any power from the control panel or the magnet coil circuit wiring is open between the panel and the coil or the coil is open circuit - coil is 300 Ohms. Saeco recommends using a medium to dark colored bean that is not oily.After cleaning the grinder and then brewing a cup of coffee it may take 2-3 grinding cycles for the machine to dispense coffee. Since I use oily dark beans, the grinder gets clogged often if its not cleaned regularly. If necessary, perform several decalcifications until the circuit is free and the water can circulate again. henryksienkiewicz69 Jan 19, 2023 Search Forums New Posts Saeco recommends using a medium to dark colored bean that is not oily.After cleaning the grinder and then brewing a cup of coffee it may take 2-3 grinding cycles for the machine to dispense coffee. Thanks. Press the lever down firmly onto the outer ring until it snaps into place (Fig. Saeco Royal Professional. I had already seen them and it did not help me. Gently pull down the coffeedoser door inside the machine and brush out any ground coffee that may be inside the chute (Fig. Place the bean hopper container back onto the machine and replace the two screws. But be very clear that if you decide to open your Saeco coffee machine to repair it, you will lose all the warranty on it, so we recommend you to do it only in two cases: Unfortunately, disassembling a Saeco coffee machine depends on the specific model and its parts. It appears to be seized up. Remove the coffee grinder adjustment lever (Fig. In any case, we will always try to explain everything as simple as possible, with the help of videos and photos.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coffeemaker_top-box-4','ezslot_13',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeemaker_top-box-4-0'); Water leakage in a coffee machine is one of the most common breakdowns, regardless of coffee extractions brand, model, or type. It has a false "grinder blocked" error. The only solution is to replace it. Its job is to regulate the flow. We want to tell you that the lack of pressure in your coffee machine has a quick and easy solution. Connections to the board from brew drive assy., or motor have gone bad. The coffee machine must pass hot water under high pressure through the ground coffee to extract the coffee. I always find CPUs and power boards are hard to diagnose. There can be three scenarios to this issue and here are some things to check. If your cup lift isnt working then it is this error for your machine. There are a few different reasons why there is no coffee coming out from your Saeco Espresso Machine, even if the coffee beans are ground. In the unfortunate event your Saeco/Philips espresso machine will not grind the coffee beans, the coffee funnel may be blocked. Saeco is now a globally recognized name, but it also remains an established Italian brand with headquarters in Gaggio Montano, a municipality near Bologna, Italy. On the one hand, the pump may not work and need to be replaced, but on the other hand, it could be that the pump is fine but loses pressure because it is clogged or leaking.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'coffeemaker_top-banner-1','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeemaker_top-banner-1-0'); The vibratory ULKA pump is easy to find and still affordable. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 5 year old Saeco Incanto Sirius superautomatic espresso machine, and up to now, I have been able to sort out its various intermittent errors and quirks, but this time, the grinder is blocked, and I have cleaned and cleaned it, and it won't move at all. However its important to know, DO NOT USE VINEGAR! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I do researching, documenting and writing here. The model number can usually be found on a sticker at the bottom. Worse case you will have to bring it to a service center anyway. Take the screen off the tamp as it can be plugged with oils not letting the water flow. It seemed to be in an arbotrary spot. If you cannot see anything visible, turn the grinder all the way coarse until you can separate the top burr from the grinder and finish cleaning out the area. Broken teeth on either of the brew drive gears. Use a multimeter to check the boiler element, TCO (Thermal cut out), and any wire that might have a fusible link inline. Hi and thanks in advance for your help. The error states impossible to read or write to Eprom. 7). 5 year old Saeco Incanto Sirius superautomatic espresso machine, and up to now, I have been able to sort out its various intermittent errors and quirks, but this time, the grinder is blocked, and I have cleaned and cleaned it, and it won't move at all. 1) What could cause the grinder not to operate? 1). When it comes to fixing this error, its not worth trying to rebuild. To thoroughly clean the brew group, we recommend that you use Philips coffee oil remover tablets (CA6704). It's worth a shot. Without any delay, it just goes into fault. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. There are some repairs where the leaky machine has leaked into and on the motor that drives the gears and seized it. Situation 1: Your grinder hums, and isnt turning Where to repair your Saeco coffee machine? 2) How to test grinder motor for defect? Thanks for the links. The brand was created in 1981, and sold to the Dutch electronics company Phillips in July 2009. Unblock the coffee funnel with a spoon handle 1) Switch the machine OFF and wait until you hear no more sounds (this can take up to 15-20 seconds). Saeco Royal Professional. Remove the 2 screws in the bean hopper Saeco says this error: Occurs when the flow meter is faulty, disconnected or does not occur passage of water. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. 4) using thecleaning brush. Before beginning to clean the grinder please be sure to turn the machine off and unplug it from the wallsocket. Your grinder starts but stops within about 2-3 seconds of grinding with beans in the hopper. To clean it, you can use a pipe cleaner or needle to get rid of the dirt. Before taking things apart, when the message comes up reset your machine and try to run a cup of hot water. There can be three scenarios to this issue and here are some things to check. For those interested, I found a diagram for the Saeco Sirius. 1) What could cause the grinder not to operate? Reading through it perhaps checking that the doser switch is OK might be worthwhile. If your machine is already old and is not under warranty. Grinder motor is working, after 2-3 sec of working machine stops with this error. WebThe false grinder blocked error on the Saeco Royal Professional can be caused by several issues. I would contact a local machine repair place to fix this issue. Using a #1 Philips screwdriver, remove the screw that holds the small coupling water
Some errors are incorrectly seen more than others and can be common in older machines. If this is the first time you have had troubles with your Saeco coffee machine, the first thing you should look at is whether the machine is still under warranty or not. Remove the 2 screws in the bean hopper 4.63K subscribers. Follow the steps below or watch our tutorial video: Switch OFF the machine and wait until it is completely off and no longer makes any noises (this takes about 15-20seconds), Open the service door and remove the brew group by pressing the "PUSH" button to the right-hand side, holding it and pulling it towards you, Rinse the brew group thoroughly with lukewarm water and let it air-dry before placing it back. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'coffeegrump_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeegrump_com-leader-1-0');However, there may be other causes for this error. I would use the Multimeter for checking continuity on the temp sensor. It could be that somebody else already took mine apart and didnt put the pen mark at the factory location. Saeco Royal Full Service Kit, $89.99, SAECO, Coffee Grinder Unit Complete - 230Vdc - SAECO 9140.036.00A, $299.99, GAGGIA / SAECO, Coffee Grinder Blades / Burrs CONICAL 47.8mm x 20mm - OUT 47.8mm x 31.7mm - IN 28mm x 10mm - RH DX CW - SAECO 226477700, $99.99, Electronic Control Board 230V SAECO Royal Some of the reasons are: Brew group jammed or blocked Either one of the micro switches in the brew drive have gone bad. Saeco Royal Full Service Kit, $89.99, SAECO, Coffee Grinder Unit Complete - 230Vdc - SAECO 9140.036.00A, $299.99, GAGGIA / SAECO, Coffee Grinder Blades / Burrs CONICAL 47.8mm x 20mm - OUT 47.8mm x 31.7mm - IN 28mm x 10mm - RH DX CW - SAECO 226477700, $99.99, Electronic Control Board 230V SAECO Royal This will be the same that was written above under the Error 03 fixes. All these durable and robust machines have a common main body, and many of the spare parts are identical. Situation 1: Your grinder hums, and isnt turning Thisoccurs when the temperature of the coffee boiler sensor is not detected. Either one of the micro switches in the brew drive have gone bad. In the unfortunate event your Saeco/Philips espresso machine will not grind the coffee beans, the coffee funnel may be blocked. We advise you to descale the machine as soon as the machine indicates to do so. And this links directly to the next section: These are the recommended steps to detect and solve the problem of a Saeco coffee machine with low pressure:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'coffeemaker_top-leader-3','ezslot_8',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coffeemaker_top-leader-3-0'); If you havent disassembled a coffee machine before, you probably dont know how to do it, so we recommend you watch this video first: Most Saeco coffee machines use the Thermoblock as a water heating system. Perform several decalcifications until the circuit is free to come out as shown in ( G. One that turns and grinds against the top burr prevent coffee dispensing from your espresso machine will grind. In place or not placed correctly & Professionals, Login with username, password and length. You want untill the grinder faces wont jamb together when you turn machine. Maker turns on but then stops and does nothing, neither heats water nor serves coffee of in. 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